
Showing posts with the label camping-worldnlcs

A Beginner's Guide To having the Right Wood for Cooking while camping.

our choice of firewood can influence how your wood burning experience will turn out. HOTSTICKS Premium kiln-dried FIREWOOD will help your wood stove, fireplace or campfire burn more efficiently, while green or wet wood can cause smoke problems, odor problems, rapid creosote buildup and possibly chimney fires. All FIREWOOD contains water. Fresh cut FIREWOOD can contain as much as 50% water! Seasoned FIREWOOD has a 20-25% moisture content, while HOTSTICKS Kiln-Dried FIREWOOD has 8-12% moisture content. HOTSTICKS Premium Kiln-Dried FIREWOOD will start easier, produce more heat and burn cleaner. When you burn green wood the heat produced by combustion must dry the wood before it can burn, using a large percentage of the energy available in the process. Burning green wood results in less heat available for heating or cooking. Burning FIREWOOD is no more harmful to the environment than the wood simply rotting in the mountains. The process does not contribute to greenhouse gases. A growin...